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How To Hide TV Wires Without Cutting The Wall

There are several reasons why you may want to hide TV wires without cutting the wall. Firstly, they’re not the best to look at and can give the appearance of a messy home. More importantly, they can pose a hazard to children and pets who may trip on the wires and get injured.

As experts in all things electrical appliances, we’re sharing our top ways to hide TV wires without cutting the wall. So if you’ve spent time searching for “how to hide TV wires without cutting wall”, you’ll find the answers here! Let’s dive right in.

How To Hide TV Wires Without Cutting Wall

Use A Cable Tidy

Using a cable tidy is an excellent way to hide TV wires. A cable tidy is a tube that fits the cables in and essentially conceals them, so only the tube is visible. They are effective pieces of equipment that ensure all unwanted AV cables are out of sight and pose no tripping risks. Our cable tidies are extremely easy to install thanks to their unique zip tool feature.

Cable tidies tend to be affordable options that can instantly be put to use. If you want to make sure the tube is also hidden, you can use adhesive to stick it to the wall behind the TV or to the TV stand. Another option is to paint over the cable tidy so it blends into the wall and becomes invisible at first look.

Purchase A TV Stand

A TV stand may not be the most affordable choice from this list, however it is an excellent way to hide TV wires - and does all the hard work for you, ensuring wires are completely hidden. What's more, a TV stand has various other uses to take advantage of while hiding your wires, such as lifting your TV to allow for easier viewing.

Several TV stands such as the Alphason Black Cabinet TV Stand also contain shelves that provide space for other items like gaming consoles or decorative items. Thus, by adding a TV stand, you can make the space your own by adding any items you please. This will make the area look visually pleasing and welcoming - and there'll be no wires in sight!

Clip Wires Behind The TV Stand

Your TV stand will be sure to hide the wires, however when looking behind the stand, you may see the cables sprawled everywhere. Of course, they are already hidden - and that's the main job done - but if you want to further organise them so they're neat and tidy behind the stand, you can clip them to your stand.

Note: if you do not have a TV stand, you can also choose to clip wires behind the closest piece of furniture it sits on. You can even clip wires behind the TV itself if there is space to do so.

To clip wires, you can use hooks, pegs or cable clips to neatly organise them. This will ensure all wiring is neat and tidy, making the area visually appealing and lowering the risk of any tripping incidents. Additionally, you may already have hooks or clips at home that you can use, allowing you to save money.

Hide Wires Behind Bigger Items

You can hide your TV wires behind large items such as a vase, ornament or any other decorative item. You could even opt to hide them behind a bookshelf. This is a discreet way to hide TV wires, while simultaneously adding to the decor of the space.

This does not need to be an expensive option, as you may already have a vase or ornament nearby. Of course, you can opt to purchase a new decorative piece if you wish to do so. The cost will therefore depend on if you use an existing item or purchase a new one.


You should now have an insight into how to hide TV wires without cutting the wall. As you can see, there are several ways to effectively hide the cables while ensuring you don’t end up cutting your wall or causing any damage in the process. Whether you opt to use a cable tidy, hide wires behind a vase or use any other method, you're sure to make the area neat and tidy, while avoiding any tripping incidents.

At RGB Direct, we’re here to help with all your TV and wiring needs. If you're looking for other parts for your TV or TV wiring, find our complete range of TV accessories here. Alternatively, get in touch with a member of our friendly expert team for any TV or appliance-related enquiries. We look forward to hearing from you.